
How can I help you?


Do I have to have equipment to do the workouts?

Not at all! Many of the workout programs are equipment-free or only require the use of common house-hold items (chairs, steps, soup cans, etc.). But there are many programs that do require equipment, so just know that it is possible that investing into at-home equipment may be needed!

When paying to join your community, is the cost a one-time fee?

When signing up as a CUSTOMER the cost is a one-time fee to be a part of my community for 1 year!

When you sign up as a PREFERRED CUSTOMER, you do pay an additional $15.99/mo to keep the 25% discount for future supplement purchases. It is a great savings for regular supplement users

Do remember, the value you will get from my community and coaching is something that is my livelihood and passion. I do ask that if you are going to be in a group, that you make at least one new purchase of something with in 6-7 weeks.

Do we all workout at the same time?

Nope! You workout you see fit. However, I do oftentimes host morning Zoom workouts with anyone and everyone in the community who wants to join! They’re so fun & keep us all accountable because we have to be there for the Zoom meeting!

After I’ve joined your community, do I have to pay to be part of the groups every month?

Aside from the occasional new-BOD-workout early-access groups, which do have an additional fee attached to them, after you’ve paid the yearly fee to be in my community, you can join whatever group you want, and at any time! I also ask that you just have clear communication on your goals, needs, and how you want to be helped!

Are the supplements safe for pregnancy/breastfeeding?

I personally have used my supplements during my past pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding, and all has been well. However, you should always consult with your healthcare professional before you use them!