
Let me help you see your best results!

Here’s what to expect:

  • I believe that we shouldn’t be on our health and fitness journey alone. As a former marathon runner and fitness class junkie, I always loved the sense of community from classes but missed the energy once I left the class. Enter Health and Happiness Groups and my life changed.

    The community you will be a part of is focused on self-growth, fitness, clean eats, and being just 1% better each and every day. When you start with your Total Solution Pack you also are plugged into my online community to stay accountable and motivated to reach your goals. It truly is life giving and will probably be the “thing” you have been missing in your health journey!

  • Food is fuel and you need to be certain to fuel your body properly in order for it to run well! I have 2 meal plans to offer you. Neither is better than the other, you just get to choose which one is best for YOU and your lifestyle!

    Option 1: 2B Mindset

    An intuitive approach to what you should be eating and what your plate should look like at each meal. This plan has zero “off limits” food. No “cheating”, measuring, or calorie counting. It’s simply focused around how your body responds to food and follows an effective "2 pounds at a time" approach to weight loss. (I’ve been following this plan for years!)

    Option 2: Portion Fix

    This is a more disciplined and structured meal plan focused on macronutrients & whole foods. Through the use of color-coded containers that assist in portion control, and an easy-to-follow & educational plan, you’ll find freedom with food, learn what foods are best for fueling your body & feel amazing as you race towards your goals!

  • We are all in different phases of life & that is why I use a “pick your program” method in my within my community. After six years of being a coach, I have a great handle on the perfect fit for you and your program needs!

    When you join, you’ll have the option to pick from 40+ workout programs as well as access if desired to our LIVE, interactive classes.

    You and I will work together to find the program that is right for you in the stage of life that you are in. All I ask is that you SHOW UP and SHARE your workouts & progress within our community!

    Remember, consistency wins over short bursts of intensity any day, in any season. My goal is consistently have you working to be 1% better each day and reach your goals!

Ready To Join Me?

Already have a BODi membership, but want to add a completion pack or switch to me as your coach?